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Gentle Yoga (Viniyoga inspired)  & Meditation (all levels including beginners) ~

Mondays 6.30-7.30 pm 

This is a gentle but refreshing class that combines  gentle slow flow movement, classic Yoga poses (asana),  breath work (pranayama) and meditation with mudra. This class is perfect to recharge,  cultivate inner strength, balance, vitality,  positive thoughts and clearer mind  space.

A lovely, super relaxing and friendly class to enjoy from the safety and comfort of your home.


 Via Yoga Parinama Zoom

1 class £7

6 classes block £30

Classes recorded and available for 2 weeks






Prana Vinyasa - lunchtime flow (open level) ~ Thursday 12.15 - 1 pm 

Prana Vinyasa Flow is the style of Vinyasa Flow cultivated by Shiva Rea evolving from Ashtanga, ViniYoga, Tantra and Somatics.

Prana is a strengthening and wholesome modality of Vinyasa that opens, regenerates  and nourishes  the body, mind and spirit from the inside out.  


This open level class aims to be accessible to anybody who wishes to enjoy a revitalizing and strengthening  morning  Vinyasa practice  without the pressure of very advanced postures. Those with and advanced practice, however,  can also join and go deeper in their practice if the wish.


As my teacher, Shiva Rea, says: ' 45 mins OF LOVE POWER'


 Via Yoga Parinama Zoom


1 class £6

6 classes block £30

Classes recorded and available for 2 weeks


Pregnancy Yoga

@ Mahadevi Yoga Centre N7

Mahadevi yoga centre Google  Maps

Thursdays 7-8 pm

This lovely class integrates Lunar Satutations, slow flow, modified Hatha Yoga poses, pranayama and guided relaxation/meditation to support expentant mothers during pregnancy and beyond  enhacing the experince of this precious time of a woman life.

Each session will also visit pelvic floor culvation and breath work to prepare for preganancy and labour.

The class is also a great oportunity to connect withother moms to be.

Sessions will take place face to face and online.



Prana Vinyasa Flow - Intermediate ~ Tuesdays 6.15-7.15 pm 

@ Moreyoga Wellness TV

Prana Vinyasa Flow is the style of Vinyasa Flow cultivated by Shiva Rea evolving from Ashtanga, ViniYoga, Tantra and Somatics.

Prana is a strengthening and wholesome modality of Vinyasa that opens, regenerates  and nourishes  the body, mind and spirit from the inside out.  


This level 1-2 level class aims to students who are familiar with the practice of Prana Vinyasa or Vinyasa in general. Expect richer and more challenging sequences, transitions and level 1-2 poses. 


A classic but innovated approached to Vinyasa.





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